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Insomniacs Empty Insomniacs

Post  deviadah Tue Nov 20, 2007 1:06 am

Any people here that suffer from this condition?

Cures? Or do insomniacs need a cure?

Is it healthy?

I've got two cents on this one... but I shall let others speak first!


Number of posts : 875
Registration date : 2007-10-08

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Insomniacs Empty Re: Insomniacs

Post  BeautifulEvil Tue Nov 20, 2007 1:22 am

I'm not really an insomniac in the sense that I can't go to sleep. I can fall asleep easily, but most of the time I choose not to sleep. There are too many things to do, too much to accomplish, and I find that sleep wastes too much time.

So I guess I could say I sleep very lightly, probably 3-5 hours per day. Also, I don't have a real sleeping pattern. I fall asleep when I'm exhausted, and wake up when I feel halfway refreshed. Sometimes I do polyphasic sleeping, but I don't have a set sleeping interval.

At this point, I feel I am fairly healthy. I don't get sick often, maybe once or twice a year. My immune system is strong, and if I do get sick I don't stay sick for very long.

Cures? Or do insomniacs need a cure?

For the real insomniacs, I would look into calming the mind and meditation; perhaps sleeping aids (herbal tea and such). However, I can't really speak for the restless individuals - I haven't found anything to calm my restlessness yet.

In my opinion, sleep is a waste of time, and if we could rid ourselves of the need to sleep we would be much better off. It's not really life extension, in the real sense, but it does extend the perception of life!

World domination is a difficult and time consuming task. The Beast doesn't need to sleep!

Last edited by on Tue Nov 20, 2007 1:27 am; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 754
Age : 37
Registration date : 2007-10-10

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Insomniacs Empty Re: Insomniacs

Post  deviadah Tue Nov 20, 2007 1:27 am

See it was good I let others post first. Saves me the trouble of typing my 2 cents up since all you wrote is in accord with how I feel.


Although I do it a little different... I can't sleep for 5 hours. I usually stay awake till I drop (20 to 36 hours), then I sleep for 10-18 hours... I do have the ability to take power naps if I want.

I find the full/new moon makes me stay awake longer too. Also the collective subconscious is asleep at night so it doesn't disturb as much - or so I feel.

I think it was Balinas who meditated at dawn, noon and dusk for an hour everyday (in the sun) and this led him to be able to live without sleep... or so the legend goes.

Third Eye

Number of posts : 875
Registration date : 2007-10-08

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Insomniacs Empty Re: Insomniacs

Post  BeautifulEvil Tue Nov 20, 2007 1:36 am

I find the full moon makes me stay awake longer too. Also the collective subconscious is asleep at night so it doesn't disturb as much - or so I feel.

I remember reading about that sometime or another, and it does seem true! I think the text mentioned that the collective subconscious was most quiet around 3 AM (when most people are in deep sleep). Either way, I always feel much better at night, and it's always easier to hear the internal voice then.

I think it was Balinas who meditated at dawn, noon and dusk for an hour everyday (in the sun) and this led him to be able to live without sleep... or so the legend goes.

Now that's interesting.... without needing sleep? I've never heard of that before! Most interesting... Cool

I think it was Balinas who meditated at dawn, noon and dusk for an hour everyday (in the sun) and this led him to be able to live without sleep... or so the legend goes.

I wish I could do that. It would make things much easier, and consume less time. Logic: It takes me at least 5-15 minutes to fully wake up and 5-10 minutes to fall asleep; if I do this less, then I waste less time repeating the process.


I also wanted to add this since we're on the topic of sleep. One day I would like to attempt to meditate for as long as possible without sleeping while only eating rice and drinking water. I'm thinking three or four days would be enough!

Number of posts : 754
Age : 37
Registration date : 2007-10-10

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Insomniacs Empty Re: Insomniacs

Post  deviadah Tue Nov 20, 2007 1:49 am

Are you sure I didn't say that somewhere? Smile

I always preach about 3 AM and the masses sleeping, and getting out of my fucking way!

Hmm... meditate for that long you say... did you hear about that guy in India - or someplace - who meditated for years?

I strongly believe that food and sleep can be avoided, and the results - if done properly - will be a longer and healthier life!

Third Eye

Number of posts : 875
Registration date : 2007-10-08

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Insomniacs Empty Re: Insomniacs

Post  BeautifulEvil Tue Nov 20, 2007 2:11 am

Are you sure I didn't say that somewhere?
I always preach about 3 AM and the masses sleeping, and getting out of my fucking way!

I remember reading this in a Jungian psychology book once.

Hmm... meditate for that long you say... did you hear about that guy in India - or someplace - who meditated for years?

I strongly believe that food and sleep can be avoided, and the results - if done properly - will be a longer and healthier life!

Yeah, I was thinking about that one guy!

Science has proven that if we cut down on caloric intake we can extend our life. I can't really recall the exact details of the study, but I do remember reading this in a science magazine a year or two ago. So if we stop eating permanently, then we would most definitely extend our life, and delay our aging.

Number of posts : 754
Age : 37
Registration date : 2007-10-10

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Insomniacs Empty Re: Insomniacs

Post  LadyHydralisk Tue Nov 20, 2007 10:21 am

There was a period of time between now and January, where I didn't sleep at all for three days....nor breathe, nor eat food...maybe not all three at once, but there was too much going on for me to keep track of every little detail.

kinda weird.

Yeah I don't know how I did it.


I was sunbathing alot, though....and listening to SJ read m1thr0s's mutational alchemy essentials to me on my mp3 player.

I used to be a huge insomniac back when I was a teenager but now I find it easy to slip in and out of sleep whenever I please. possibly because it feels so damned good meditating.

Number of posts : 143
Age : 44
Registration date : 2007-10-08

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Insomniacs Empty Re: Insomniacs

Post  BeautifulEvil Tue Nov 20, 2007 6:54 pm

There was a period of time between now and January, where I didn't
sleep at all for three days....nor breathe, nor eat food...maybe not
all three at once, but there was too much going on for me to keep track
of every little detail.

Heh, I can understand not sleeping, and not eating/drinking, but not breathing?! That's a new one for me!!! What the hell!

I was sunbathing alot, though....and listening to SJ read m1thr0s's mutational alchemy essentials to me on my mp3 player.

I've never heard of this, please tell me more.

I used to be a huge insomniac back when I was a teenager but now I find
it easy to slip in and out of sleep whenever I please. possibly because
it feels so damned good meditating.

All the healthy teenagers are insomniacs. There is something highly wrong with you if you're a teen and not also an insomniac.

Number of posts : 754
Age : 37
Registration date : 2007-10-10

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Insomniacs Empty Re: Insomniacs

Post  MythMath Tue Nov 20, 2007 7:21 pm

BeautifulEvil wrote:I've never heard of this, please tell me more.

Mutational Alchemy Essentials 001

Buckle up... Third Eye

BeautifulEvil wrote:I come from a science background, with major involvement in mathematics and physics...

Any of this stuff may be of interest to you then:

Alchemical Book of Mirrors

Number of posts : 70
Registration date : 2007-11-14

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Insomniacs Empty Re: Insomniacs

Post  BeautifulEvil Tue Nov 20, 2007 7:47 pm

Oh sure, I know about that! I was referring to the implied mp3 that LadyHydralisk mentioned.

Any of this stuff may be of interest to you then:

Alchemical Book of Mirrors

I've had some time a few months ago to look into the abrahadabra site, and some of the stuff really caught my attention.

Last edited by on Tue Nov 20, 2007 8:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 754
Age : 37
Registration date : 2007-10-10

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Insomniacs Empty Re: Insomniacs

Post  MythMath Tue Nov 20, 2007 7:55 pm

I dig...

Number of posts : 70
Registration date : 2007-11-14

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Insomniacs Empty Calorie Restriction and Polyphasic Sleep

Post  deviadah Wed Nov 21, 2007 12:46 am

BeautifulEvil wrote: I remember reading this in a Jungian psychology book once.
Yeah, that's probably where I get it from too...

Check out Polyphasic Sleep
BeautifulEvil wrote: Science has proven that if we cut down on caloric intake we can extend our life. I can't really recall the exact details of the study, but I do remember reading this in a science magazine a year or two ago.
- The Calorie Restriction Society
- Walford --> check out this one although...
Dr. Roy Walford, the free-spirited UCLA gerontologist who pioneered the idea of restricting food intake to extend life span and practiced the concept rigorously in an effort to live to 120, has died. He was 79. - source
Third Eye

Last edited by on Wed Dec 19, 2007 5:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 875
Registration date : 2007-10-08

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Insomniacs Empty Death of Dr. Walford

Post  deviadah Wed Nov 21, 2007 12:53 am

Actually I found why he died so early:
Dr. Walford's cause of death, is a degenerative neurological disease. Its exact causes are unknown, but many researchers think a strong genetic component is at work. In his case, the disease may have been brought on or exacerbated by his exposure to nitrous oxide during a research stay in Biosphere 2. As Mr. Delaney concluded, It is a tragedy that this disease prevented Dr. Walford from fully enjoying the promise of extended health presented by calorie restriction. Dr. Walford believed that his practice of CR may have in fact slowed the progression of his illness. Certainly, he exceeded the life expectancy of a person diagnosed with ALS. - source
Third Eye

Last edited by on Wed Dec 19, 2007 5:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 875
Registration date : 2007-10-08

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Insomniacs Empty Re: Insomniacs

Post  LadyHydralisk Wed Nov 21, 2007 12:38 pm

BeautifulEvil wrote:Oh sure, I know about that! I was referring to the implied mp3 that LadyHydralisk mentioned.

sadly I can't send it to you and the reason is a long and complicated story...but it's just a transcription of the three "essentials" on the site...

Number of posts : 143
Age : 44
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Insomniacs Empty Re: Insomniacs

Post  BeautifulEvil Tue Nov 27, 2007 10:03 am

sadly I can't send it to you and the reason is a long and complicated
story...but it's just a transcription of the three "essentials" on the

Awww, that makes me sad.. Sad

Polyphasic sleeping is interesting, but I couldn't ever stick to my sleeping schedule.

Number of posts : 754
Age : 37
Registration date : 2007-10-10

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Insomniacs Empty 28 hours

Post  deviadah Tue Nov 27, 2007 11:12 am

I just had some sort of sickness... a feverish kind of thing and I slept for 28 hours straight, which is a personal record of mine!

Third Eye

Last edited by on Wed Dec 19, 2007 5:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 875
Registration date : 2007-10-08

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Insomniacs Empty Re: Insomniacs

Post  LadyHydralisk Tue Nov 27, 2007 11:38 am

Oh I remember reading you were sick, then I thought "Maybe he's sick because he doesn't get enough sleep."

Maybe your body was catching up for you.

Number of posts : 143
Age : 44
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Insomniacs Empty Re: Insomniacs

Post  deviadah Tue Nov 27, 2007 11:45 am

Perhaps, I had been awake for 26 hours when I went to bed, but in normal circumstances I only sleep for about 18 hours when I have been awake that long... I got an additional ten I think because I had a virus in my body.

The moral of the story is that you should never leave your house... because as soon as I did the scum of society coughed some bug into my system. Normally I can resist them (I am usually not sick), but I was weak because I hadn't slept so much.

So you insomniacs be careful amongst people if you haven't slept in a while!

Third Eye

Number of posts : 875
Registration date : 2007-10-08

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Insomniacs Empty Re: Insomniacs

Post  BeautifulEvil Wed Nov 28, 2007 9:53 am

I just had some sort of sickness... a feverish kind of thing and I
slept for 28 hours straight, which is a personal record of mine!

Haha, that's pretty wicked. I don't think I've ever slept that long, maybe 24 hours at the most.

The moral of the story is that you should never leave your house...
because as soon as I did the scum of society coughed some bug into my
system. Normally I can resist them (I am usually not sick), but I was
weak because I hadn't slept so much.

Whenever I go out I tend to keep my distance from most people, and when somebody looks sick (is coughing, etc) I try to avoid going near them at all costs. Also, I tend to wash my hands more than often (especially when I know I'm about to eat dinner at a restraunt) , it isn't quite OCD yet, but I assume if it went unchecked it would turn into a real issue. Maybe it only seems obsessive because nobody else washes their hands!

Number of posts : 754
Age : 37
Registration date : 2007-10-10

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Insomniacs Empty Re: Insomniacs

Post  deviadah Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:21 pm

BeautifulEvil wrote:Whenever I go out I tend to keep my distance from most people, and when somebody looks sick (is coughing, etc) I try to avoid going near them at all costs.
I've never had any germ-phobias. Actually I enjoy trying to stay well in the face of sickness. With mental concentration one can avoid to get sick. Cancer and such diseases demands great mental powers of course, but the common flu don't.

Third Eye

Number of posts : 875
Registration date : 2007-10-08

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Insomniacs Empty Re: Insomniacs

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